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csim / AnomalousDiffusionFilters
Apache License 2.0Repository to code and documentation of Anomalous Diffusion Filter Module (Insight-Journal)
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3D Slicer extension that provides several approaches in order to apply the anomalous spatial filters on medical images.
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csim / BabyBrain
Apache License 2.0A 3D Slicer extension for neonate/fetal brain analysis and segmentation
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csim / BrainTissuesExtension
Apache License 2.03D Slicer extension to segment different brain structures and tissues in MRI structural images.
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Sustainable HPC / Custom SIMGRID 3.28
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
Gabriel Augusto Gonçalves Sobral / Identifying Codes
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
csim / ImageCharacterizationExtension
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
csim / ImageFeatureExtraction
Apache License 2.0Updated -
csim / ITKAnomalousDiffusionFilters
Apache License 2.0Official repository to CSIM ITKAnomalousDiffusionFilters to ITK builds and remote repository
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csim / ITKAutomaticConductanceCalculator
Apache License 2.0Official repository to Automatic Conductance Image Calculator to ITK Remote Module.
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3D Slicer extension that provides T2-FLAIR MRI manipulation methods in order to increase contrast and segment hyperintense Multiple Sclerosis lesions
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3D Slicer extension that provides a set of modules of segmentation, registration and cardiac images analysis
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3D Slicer extension to segment Multiple Sclerosis lesions on DTI and Structural MRI images